Slovenske Konjice (SLO)

Slovenske Konjice (SLO)


Slovenske Konjice, prikupno srednjeveško mesto s tisočletno starotrško zasnovo, je položeno med skrivnostno Konjiško goro na eni strani, na drugi pa ga objemajo sončni zlati griči vinorodnih Škalc. Mesto je odlikovano z mnogimi priznanji najlepšega izletniškega mesta v Sloveniji, z zlato medaljo na evropskem tekmovanju Entente Florale pa se je postavilo ob bok najlepše urejenih evropskih mest.


Slovenske Konjice so neločljivo povezane z naravo: s potokom v mestu, z vinorodnimi griči, z zeliščarsko tradicijo. O tem pričajo znamenitosti:

Stari trg: Srednjeveško trsko jedro, po sredini katerega teče potok Gospodična; hiše na trgu so zgovoren prikaz več kot 860-letne zgodovine trga.
Dvorec Trebnik: Zeliščni vrtovi in prodajalna zeliščnih pripravkov v dvorcu sredi parka pod mogočno goro.
Stari grad: Razvaline domovanja konjiške gospode na Konjiški gori; obnovljen obrambni stolp in del obzidja gradu iz 12. stoletja.
Škalce: Gričevnato območje z vinogradi, vinsko cesto, golf igriščem, mogočno vinsko kletjo in gostiščem tik nad mestom.

Žicka kartuzija: srednjeveški samostan iz leta 1160 v slikoviti dolini sv. Janeza Krstnika nedaleč od centra mesta; razstava iških rokopisov, zeliščni vrtovi in pripravki zeliščarstva Viva Sana, Otakarjeva peninska klet, najstarejše slovensko gostišče iz leta 1467, Gastuž.       



Obiskati Slovenske Konjice z okolico pomeni občutiti dušo prijaznega mesta, ki ponuja neštete možnosti posebnih doživetij. Mestna galerija Riemer, cerkev svetega Jurija, muzejska zbirka predmetov iz avstro-ogrskega obdobja, muzej gasilstva, obrtniška in rokodelska tradicija okoliških vasi, tišina skrivnostne Žiske kartuzije, pohodniške in kolesarske poti, bogat kulturni utrip ter odmevne tradicionalne prireditve na čelu z jurjevanjem, naznanitvijo trgatve in martinovanjem so le majhen del v celoti neprecenljivega bogastva, ki ga ponujajo Slovenske Konjice.



About Slovenske Konjice (ENG)

Slovenske Konjice, an adorable medieval town with more than 860 years of rich historical existence, is laid amid mysterious Konjiska gora (Konjice Mountain) and the golden hills of Skalce vineyards. The town was rewarded with nine awards for the most beautiful excursion town and won the golden medal in the European competition Entente Florale.

This town is inseparably connected with nature: with the town brook, vineyards on the hills nearby, with centuries of herbal tradition. There are many picturesque attractions confirming this statement: 

  Old Square: Medieval town square, parted by a small brook Gospodicna (Miss), which gives the place a special magnificence. Taking a walk through this old town square, one can feel a gentle breeze of the past.
  Manor Trebnik: An attractive herbal shop inside the manor, located in the middle of a town park, underneath a majestic mountain.
  Old Castle: The ruins of Konjice lords on Konjiska gora (Konjice Mountain); partly renovated defense tower and a part of defensive walls of the castle from the 12th century.
  Skalce: Hills of vineyards, wine road, golf course, mighty wine cellar and a guesthouse with the view on the town. A word hill in this area means more than elsewhere. It means kindness, sun, vine, tradition and life.
  Charterhouse Zice: Only a shooting range from the town center begins the secluded Valley of Saint John the Baptist, which shelters the famous monastery Charterhouse Zice from around 1160. Between the mighty walls from Middle Ages one can hear the silence and feel the peace. Exhibition of old monastic manuscripts, herbal gardens and products of herbalist Viva Sana, Otakar's sparkling wines cellar and the offer of the oldest Slovenian guesthouse Gastuz, make this magic place attractive and inviting for local inhabitants, visitors and tourists.  


Visit to Slovenske Konjice means to feel the soul of a kind town, offering numerous opportunities of exceptional experiences. The Town Gallery Riemer, the Church of Saint George, a private museum collection of Austro-Hungarian exhibits, Museum of Firefighting, arts and crafts of villages nearby, the loud silence of Charterhouse Zice, walking and cycling paths, rich cultural beat and attractive traditional events such as Celebration of Saint Georges Day, Harvest Announcement and the Feast of Saint Martin, are only a small part of the precious heritage, offered by Slovenske Konjice.