O filmskem festivalu (SLO)
About Film Festival (ENG)


3. mednarodni festival podvodnega filma in videa "Sprehodi pod morjem" (SLO)

Plavalni klub Slovenske Konjice in mesto Slovenske Konjice organizirata 3. mednarodni festival podvodnega filma in videa "Sprehodi pod morjem".

Trajanje festivala: 27. - 29. 1. 2011
Kraj: Slovenske Konjice, Kulturni dom (kino dvorana)
Osrednji dogodek: sobota, 29. 1. 2011, ob 18.30 uri

Otvoritev razstav in projekcij: petek, 28. 1. 2011, ob 18.00 uri
Projekcije za šole:
četrtek, 27. in petek, 28. januarja 2011, med 9:00 in 13:00 uro

Sprehodi pod morjem nam bodo prikazali najboljše podvodne filme v letu 2010, ki so bili v decembru prikazani na 14. beograjskem mednarodnem festivalu podvodnega filma.

Festival bodo popestrili spremljevalni dogodki v malih dvoranah kulturnega doma:

- Projekcije in razstava fotografij treh avtorjev in njihovih pogledov na Kubo:
     - Arne HODALIČ: Kuba brez cenzure,
     - Ehidrich Perez Acosta - MACAO: Podvodni svet Kube,
     - Miha MATAVŽ: S-cuba.

- Večkrat nagrajeni film, ki je bil posnet na mestnem kopališču v Slovenskih Konjicah If I Can Drive, I Can Dive, ki je v letu 2010 prejel nagrado v Marseillu in v Beogradu;

- Nastajanje dokumentarnega filma S-Cuba. Film pripoveduje o potovanju in potapljanju mednarodne ekipe potapljačev s poškodbo hrbtenjače iz Slovenije, Hrvaške in Srbije, ki se je končalo sredi decembra 2010.

Na festivalu bomo imeli odlično priložnost pokukati v podvodni svet in spoznati njegovo raznolikost iz različnih perspektiv ter na umetniški ravni povezati znanja s področja biologije, ekologije, geografije in zgodovine. Filmi so posneti v različnih jezikih, s čimer se krepi večjezičnost in medkulturno sodelovanje.

Vljudno vabljeni!


3rd International Festival of Underwater Film & Video "Sprehodi pod morjem" (ENG)

The Swimming Club of Slovenske Konjice and the community of Slovenske Konjice are organizing the 3rd International Festival of Underwater Film & Video "Sprehodi pod morjem".

Date: During 27th to 29th of January 2011
Place: Slovenske Konjice, Cultural Centre (Cinema)
The main event: Saturday 29th of January 2011 at 18:30

for the exhibitions and projections: Friday 28th of January 2011 at 18:00
for schools: Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of January, between 9:00 in 13:00

The 3rd International festival will open with the introduction of one of the biggest underwater film festivals in the world - the Moscow International Golden dolphin Festival. Then we will continue with the best underwater films made in 2010 and shown at the 14th International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade.

The festival will be enriched by accompanying events in two small halls of Cultural centre.

- The photo exhibition and photo projection of three authors and their views on Cuba:
     - Arne HODALIC: Cuba Without Self-Censorship,
     - Ehidrich Perez Acosta - MACAO: Cuba Under The Water,
     - Miha MATAVZ: S-Cuba.

- The short film “If I Can Drive, I Can Dive« which was filmed in 2010 at the swimming pool in Slovenske Konjice and was awarded at the 37th world festival of underwater film and photography “Le Festival Mondial de l´image sous-marine” in Marseille and at the 14thInternational Underwater Film Festival” in Belgrade.

- The nascent stage of documentary film “S-Cuba” about diving and travelling of international team of SCI divers from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia which took place in December 2010 in Cuba.

The festival is a great opportunity to peek into the underwater world and learn about its diversity from variety of perspectives to link up knowledge from biology ecology geography and history.

Kindly invited!


Organizacijski odbor / Organizing committee

- Branko Ravnak
- Alenka Fidler
- Miha Matavz
- Rok Gorican
- Alojz Pacnik
- Nevenka Richter Pece